Bárbara Riveros: WCS Grand Final Beijing 2011

Fix you from Coldplay

With some tear in my eyes , Im listening Fix you from Coldplay. One of the song that will describe exactly what happen last sunday in Beijing , China.

"When you try your best , but you don't succeed ...When you get what you want, but not what you need "

When you feel so tired , but you can not sleep......

When you love someone and it goes waste...

Just close your eyes chickitin and let it go..No much to do, it was out of your hand. You tried to deal with it, however I guess, it was destination.

Problem in Zurich's Police office, almost get arrested, 1,30hrs delay flight, then arrive 24hrs late in Beijing, got to my room later on Thursday after met my brother and saw for 2nd time my frame broken.

Oh shit!! Not..again!!!! I though it just happen to a real champion... Any way i though that chicka could deal with it..No excuse for her...

However in my other hand was my health, my tomy never feel good when arrived in Beijing on Thursday lunch time.

Firstly i though that was the flight and I was tired from it and it reflexed in having nausea and sore tomy. Any way the days roll thru and i could not feel it as normal. I was thirsty all the time. I drink quite a bit, but it never change, i was hungry but i never fill up. I just feel empty all the time. And when i went for my run on friday , saturday i could feel that something was not right.

Belly pumper up as a basketball hahaha , dizzy feeling, and quite weak specially on Sunday morning.

I went a few times to the toilet but i couldn't do much, and then i did some running bit. I though it could help and my belly relief but i was wrong, chicka belly was still like a basketball.

Finally the race's morning arrive, i was surprise how deep i slept that night and the prevoius days as well. However any time that i put my head on the pillow i could feel sleep ,so even that i had a lovely nights, my mind always was tired and confuse. No really for fire up... Fire up???

The prominence mountain were there in front of me, ready to see me fight as a warrior and inspirit me in each step.

"Ranking number 2 from chile ,crazy Barbara Riveros, ( no really crazy, just Barbara Riveros) -the announcer call me...." It was quite special moment. My lovely brother was there. What a great surprise!!! he was painted all over the place. The whole face with the chilean flag, and in his tomy chicka. At that time the same feeling and inspiration grown up from my heart that I felt the previous night. I knew what was my healthy stage but i tried to ignore it and thinking how much I wanna give to my brother, a great performance so all his sadness and deception after his race could make him just a bit happy. That was a quite strong feeling , perhaps it won't change the stage of my tomy.

Just before i touched the platform Helen J, turn back and asked me where i ll choice?. I was quite surprise that she asked that kind of question. I though she was so determinate and confident of herself and her position. Little chicka has been in that position (call Nº1 to pontoon) and i can tell you that is not the best place to be, but any way Helen,one of the greater swimming's girls, 2x time World Champ Tittle, why she ask chicka??. Who is chicka to give herself that kind of advice?. Any way i told her, what i though and she went to that side and i line up two position to left side from her.

A bit rough swim, but nothing too bad until got into the 2nd buoy, that i have the feeling that a few girls got a bit disorientated and turn into the wrong side. Ooph again chicka scuba diving under the 2nd buoy.....I literally had to pull someone from her suit to get back to the surface.

Finishing the swimming's leg i was still with some energy but not ready to be strong on the bike. My goal each lap was make the hill and don't get drop there. I was quite sad to see that the 1st pack was putting more and more time in us, and i couldn't contribute own pack at all. I didn't even find the point to keep pushing because my tomy was quite sore at that point and i was just trying to hold my teeth together, have deep breath and be positive. Quite hard at that point.!! I ate my usually fuel, but i almost vomit it, i tried to drink as well, but the same feeling of nausea.

Final lap , we caught my second team mate Kate , who was on 1st pack. Vix was there too but she got drop as well. No really good for D- Squad member.

Any way i got around 5th place into T2,however suddenly i dropped place, finally with no energy, I left T2 in the last position. And tried to focus in each step. Tomy pumper up as a basketball.

"C'ome chicka tried to finish it even if we finishing walking." It was definitely I hard time dealing between my body and mind. The running pace was ridiculous slow but i couldn't go any faster; just on the last lap while the Tomy relief a bit i could set up.

A bit of sadness but calm at the same time i could walk out of the finish line. Went to medical's tent to get some electrolyte because i couldn't eat and drink much during the race and I had still the nausea's feeling.

What a great experience ... Tough but I hope to learn from it with respect and conscious.

Any way guys Fix you's song, Coldplay is just the right song to describe it.

Profiter de la vie

With lot of Love

Gros bisous

Merci Beaucoup

Chicka for ever.

p.s: Tomy , still trying to get healthy again.

Bárbara Riveros
Chilean Professional Triathlete



Ranking Trichile

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